How to Geotag your Photos using your iPhone and Lightroom 4

November 04, 2012  •  4 Comments

Have you ever wanted to figure out where you took that favorite photo on vacation or wanted to build a folder of cool photography locations that you can pull up on a moments notice? I wanted to find a way to do just that using the equipment I already have! After digging around, I couldn't find much without using other third-party software or expensive GPS receivers for your camera. This method works with ANY camera, all you need is an iPhone, Lightroom, and a free app with a $1.99 add-on. 


Things You Need

  • Camera (DSLR or Point and Shoot)
  • iPhone
  • Galileo App (free)
  • GPS Track Recording Add-On ($1.99)
  • Lightroom


Before you set out on your photo adventure, be sure your camera time is set EXACTLY to your iPhone time, down to the second. If you don't, you will not have accurate tags. 

Setting Up the App

First, you'll need to install the app, get it at the link above. Once you are in the app, click the settings button. Then go to Paid Features, select the GPS Track Recording and buy that, you'll need it for this. After you've bought the add-on, go back to the main screen and tap on the record button in the top right of the screen. Go take your photos and then hit record again when you're finished. 

Your track is now saved. Tap on settings, go to "My Collections", tap the blue arrow next to the track you just recorded, scroll down to the bottom, hit export, choose email, then tap on GPX. Email it to yourself and then follow the instructions in the video for the Lightroom side of things :) 

Tagging Your Photos in Lightroom

Comments keep me posting, so don't forget to let me know there is someone else out there reading my post :-)



Matt Leitholt
@Cellep - You should be able to download them from your email and add them into Lightroom as shown in the video.
I used GeoTag Pro on a trip. Now have GPS Track log for each time used. When a track is selected, I get an email set up to send (to myself) with two attachments. One is a .gpx file format and the other is a .kml file. I'm not able to send these to my Macintosh. Do I need special software to read these two file formats? Thanks
mike mcclelland(non-registered)
great info, thanks!
Mark Imhof(non-registered)
Hey Matt, Thanks for this great post, I have been wanting GPS trackig for some time but allways thout it was to complicated... but! It's not this is super easy and no extra stuff on the Camara.
Greetings From Switzerland.
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